Painting With Waves
San Simeon, California - 2010

What this is...

Waves crashing on the shores of California.

My thoughts on this image...

Perpetual is the only word that comes to mind relative to the motion of waves against the shore. Look at them long enough and you will see the passage of time just the way the camera does. To the camera time is not based on one wave after another.. time becomes the flow of many waves united as one in a smooth brush-stoke of motion.

When I was much younger, an intrest in oil painting brought me paints, brushes, canvas panels and "How to Paint Seascapes" by Walter Foster one Christmas. Visiting California it's easy to see this is exactly where those example paintings were done in those books and I can still see in my minds eye some of my finished canvases based on these books. The paintings were not very good, but the Walter Foster books and the experience of creating those paintings set me up for a life-long fascination with water.

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