Farm Lane in Fog
Alliston, Ontario - 2006

Fog is one of my favorite environments to take pictures in, something as simple as a lane between two fields and a row of pine trees becomes an invitation to mystery. Is that a house at the end of the lane? Does anyone live there? What is beyond those trees? When seen in daylight, this scene is really quite unremarkable. I've passed it hundreds of times and have often thought it would make a good shot given the right conditions.

This day was perfect with a low hanging fog and the remnants of the previous nights frost clinging to the pine boughs. This is the embodyment of "evanescence" where the shapes in the background "dissipate or disappear like vapor". Within a few minutes of taking this picture the noon sun managed to burn off the fog and this scene returned to it's unremarkable self; but for a few minutes it was like looking down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland.